Thursday, March 27, 2008

six months earlier...

*An October wedding prompted a pilgrimage to foodie mecca, northern California. The entire state, engorged with an excessive harvest, burst at its seams. The wedding was an event worthy of its own post. We took advantage of the westcoast crops (rice, fresh dates, nuts, Rancho Gordo beans, etc.).

* Back in New York, Kiwiberries were a delicious end of season surprise.

* Outside of my apartment at 10:45 pm on a brisk November night, Jay Dines of Dines Farms pulled a 10 lbs. turkey from the back of his truck and handed it over. We managed to prepare an entirely local thanksgiving, including two pies, in our pajamas. Perfect.

* We celebrated 8 nights of hannukah and decorated an Organic Pagan Tree from Keith’s Farm.
* Under the tree: the iRoast personal coffee roaster, a home cheese-making kit, and 4 full seasons of River Cottage with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on DVD, and a tent for 2.

* Country Living. We moved our operation upstate to welcome the New Year fireside. Plenty of snow fall this year. We had a deliciously local dinner with friends at Stone and Thistle Farms and took time to ponder real estate opportunities.

* Made the move. After years of studio living, I’ve moved to a perfect one-bedroom. To my good fortune, the new place comes with a built-in boyfriend.

* The Locabar. It is not much, but it is local. We have bought our fair share of local wines, but cold March nights called for something stiffer. Inspired by our evening at Stone and Thistle Farms, I sought out a range of local liquors for Jordan’s birthday gift this year.

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